I want to resell my Tixr tickets

Tixr does not currently have a resale marketplace, so we can’t assist with reselling tickets, authenticating or refunding tickets purchased through a third party.

In this Article

Can I resell my tickets through Tixr?

I bought my ticket from a reseller. Can you tell me if it’s authentic?

I bought my ticket secondhand and the event was canceled. Can you refund me?

I resold my tickets somewhere else and the purchaser disputed the sale, saying the tickets were invalid. Can you send me a scan report? 

Why could I transfer the tickets if resales aren’t allowed?

Can I resell my tickets through Tixr?

Tixr does not currently have a resale marketplace, so unfortunately, we can’t assist with reselling your tickets.

I bought my ticket from a reseller. Can you tell me if it’s authentic?

We value your experience and your safety, so we highly recommend purchasing tickets only from our platform to ensure their validity. Buying tickets from or selling tickets to individuals, brokers, or secondary market websites carries uncertainty, and we're unable to guarantee or provide support for these transactions.

If you’re having difficulty with a ticket you bought secondhand, you’ll need to contact the resale platform or the original purchaser for help.

I bought my ticket secondhand and the event was canceled. Can you refund me?

Since you didn't buy tickets directly from the Tixr event purchase page, we don't have record of your order in our system.

We did not process your payment, so we aren’t able to return it.

You will need to contact the reseller to request a refund.

-- I resold my tickets somewhere else and the purchaser disputed the sale, saying the tickets were invalid. Can you send me a scan report? --- 

Selling tickets to individuals, brokers, or secondary market websites is at your own risk, and we're unable to guarantee or provide support for these transactions- including a scan report for the tickets.

If you’re having difficulty with a ticket you resold, you’ll need to contact the resale platform for help.

Why could I transfer the tickets if resales aren’t allowed?

The ability to to transfer a ticket is actually outside of Tixr’s control. Because each event is privately owned, the event organizers determine transfer and name change policies on an event-by-event basis. This means that only some events have transfers between accounts available.

When they are available, transfers between accounts are designed to be used for gifting tickets to friends and family members. Tixr is not a resale platform and can't offer any form of assistance with such transactions.