Collections: Create & Manage

Create collections to contain ticket types on event pages using Collection or Carousel Layouts.

How to Utilize Collections

  • The Collections view organizes multiple ticket types into different categories for better purchase navigation. This layout is recommended when the event has more than 5 ticket types. In this view, the event logo is displayed over the event background with the event details and collection images below. More on event design HERE.  
  • Once you select a collection, the ticket types within the collection will appear and can be selected to add to cart. You can create collections for your ticket types like General Admission, VIP, Weekend Passes, Camping Passes or Merchandise. 


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Create collections levels at the group level:

A) Select System

B) Select Collections 

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C) Select Create New Collection

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1) Fill out the Basics tab: 

A) Name: The internal name of your collection, this is not visible on the event page. 
B) Display Name: The name of your collection that is visible on the event page. Examples: General Admission, VIP, Merchandise 

*This is optional

C) Set: A way to categorize your collections for later use. Examples: Tixr Palooza 2023, Tixr Palooza 2024 
D) Summary: A secondary line of text to add context to your Collection. Example: T-Shirts & More!
E) Custom Behavior: Use the drop-down menu to select either Hide on all sales hidden or Hide on sold out. 
  • Hide on all sales hidden: the collection will hide if all tickets in the collection are hidden. More on ticket settings HERE.
  • Hide on sold out: the collection will hide once all tickets in the collection are sold out. 

          *This is optional

F) Behaviors Supported: Standardize how Smart Filters for all Collections behave.

  • Hide "Sort by" if less than 5 items
  • Hide filter
  • Hide filter if less than 5 items
  • Show availability for locked sales
  • Show price for locked sales

*This is optional

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2) Open the Design tab, add a Collection Image and Collection Background Image*

*Please note: This is optional. This image will appear if the Event Design Layout is set to Carousel and the Collection Layout is set to Single Column or Multi Column. More on Event Design HERE.

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3) Add a description for your collection and select save in the top right corner (update screenshot) 

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Adding Collections at the Event Level


A) Once you have finished making your collection(s), select Manage Event, then Design. Make sure your event is set to Collection Layout.

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B) Select Tickets and then select Collections 

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C) Select and add your Collections from the dropdown menu

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D) Drag and drop tickets into the correct Collection 

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E) Click the ellipsis to expand your collection for a larger view, remove it altogether, move it up or down in the order of appearance, or set an active floor. Setting an active floor in a collection can only be used with reserved events that have multiple floors applied, and allows you to display a certain floor within a collection instead of showing all floors for the customer to move between.

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F) Publish your event to save your changes

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Adding a Collection Mid-Event Build:


1) Once you have chosen the Collections layout under the design tab you can then create your collections by going to Tickets > Collections. By clicking the blue hyperlink that says "create a new collection", you can create collections one by one. 

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